Thankyou, Jack Black!!

I got a 2:2 for my degree.

When I started my course, I remember my tutor telling us about how Brighton students studying fine art cry if you get anything lower than a 2:1.
It’s pretty much a 1st or nothing.

I didn’t cry.

Here are 5 reasons why:
1.   I gave up with the grade ages ago. I decided about a month into third year that I didn’t care about the grade. I wanted to make it through the year without dying. I made it…sort of.

2.  At the time I had a job that didn’t require my grade, just that I am creative…that fell through so not sure if it counts anymore.

3.   The amount I argued with my tutor, I’m surprised he didn’t fail me.

4.  I did better in my dissertation than my studio practice. Everyone is shocked at that one. F*** you dyslexia!!

5.   Finally!

 My main point. The only point for this blog post. I made the artwork I wanted. I created what made me happy. “Rock isn’t about getting an A” well neither is art. We paint because we love to. 

Unfortunately, that has to be graded at some point and unfortunately, that is in the hands of other people. Unfortunately for me, that decision was left in the hands of a person I did not see eye to eye with. Don’t try to control my creativity!! 

But, I did what I always do when authority pisses me off. I said f*** you and carried on making what I love.

I didn’t suck up to anyone. I didn’t change my art to please others.

 At least I can honestly say I love the art I made at the end. I really do. It makes me happy and that is all that matters.

What to do now?????
Get a tattoo expressing your anger for the system. That’s a punk thing to do!!


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